2006 Conference
The Way Up XX Conference
"Learning from the Past: Leading for the Future
Celebrating 20 Years of The Way Up"
November 2-3, 2006
For twenty years, women in the State of Iowa have hosted The Way Up Conference to assist women in higher education institutions as they continue to develop their leadership and administrative skills and expertise. The conference has always been designed to provide value for presenters and participants as well as networking opportunities for all.
Thursday, November 2, 2006
Time | Activity |
8:30-9:15am | Registration and Continental Breakfast |
9:30-9:45am | Welcome: Conference Planning Council |
9:45-10:30am | Keynote Speaker: Bettsey Barhorst |
"Pathways to Career Advancement" | |
10:45-12:15pm | Contributed and Invited Sessions I |
12:15-1:50pm | Lunch |
Facilitated Networking | |
Celebrating 20 Years of The Way Up - Panel | |
2:00-3:30pm | Contributed and Invited Sessions II |
3:45-5:15pm | Contributed and Invited Sessions III |
5:15-6:00pm | Social Hour (cash bar) |
6:00pm | Banquet |
Recognition and Scholarship Awards | |
7:30pm | Dessert Reception and Entertainment Immediately Following Banquet |
Entertainment: Parallel Lives | |
Friday, November 3, 2006
Time | Activity |
7:00-7:45am | Breakfast |
Networking | |
Registration | |
7:45-8:00am | Welcome, Announcements |
8:00-11:30am | Skills Building Institute Workshops |
11:45-1:30pm | Lunch |
Closing Panel: "The Rewards and Challenges of Leadership" |
The 2006 Way Up Conference will be held at the Cedar Rapids Marriott Conference Center, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
You may wish to view the Marriott website: http://www.marriott.com/CIDMC
The Marriott is now a 100% smoke-free facility. See the hotel front desk for information about any outdoor smoking areas.
The 2006 Way Up Conference will be held at the Cedar Rapids Marriott Conference Center, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
You may wish to view the Marriott website:
A limited block of rooms is reserved at the Cedar Rapids Marriott. To make your reservations, please visit the Marriott website at http://www.marriott.com/CIDMC. (Enter dates for your stay; use the group code WAYWAYA; hit "find" to book your reservation.) Rooms are only $99/night through October 16, 2006.
Thursday, November 2
9:45-10:30 am Keynote Speaker
Bettsey Barhorst; President, Madison Area Technical College; Madison, Wisconsin
"Pathways To Career Advancement"
Bettsey Barhorst, President of the Madison Area Technical College and former President of Hawkeye Community College in Waterloo will talk about the path she took as she advanced her career. You may be surprised at how she learned from her past as she prepared to lead in future endeavors. Hearing about her journey and about the leadership challenges she faced is the perfect way to begin The Way Up conference
he Conference has Four Focus Tracks:
B: Basic Skills
H: Hot Topics
L: Leadership Issues for Women
I: Interface - State, Local, National, & Global Issues
Thursday, November 2, 2006
10:45-12:15 Contributed and Invited Sessions I
B From Strategic Planning to Strategic Design
Debra (DJ) Corson, Hawkeye Community College
What have we learned from the past about strategic planning? How do we use that knowledge to create our preferred future? During this session, participants will gain an appreciation for how our context has changed and, therefore, how our methods for visioning and planning must change also.
Waterloo Room
H How To Win At Retirement
Todd Manternach, Premier Advisors LLC
Attend this session to discover: How choosing the right financial advisor makes a difference. How to prevent tax surprises when moving money. How tax deferred can work to your advantage. How the proper exit strategy with your retirement accounts can save taxes. How your risk and expectations affect your investments. How proper planning pays off.
Cedar Rapids Room
L Leadership Opportunities for Women
Larry Ebbers, Iowa State University
This session will discuss leadership opportunities for women in community colleges in Iowa. Research indicates that 90% of tomorrow's community college senior leaders will come from current mid-level community college insiders. CLIC and LINC are two programs designed to give those administrators the skills necessary to lead community colleges in the 21st century.
Rosewood Room
I Sexual Harassment - It's Not Enough To Know Better
Stephanie Newsom, Peter Armstrong & Jane Juchems, Wartburg College
This session will outline and discuss issues and responses related to sexual harassment in an educational setting and what you do need to know about it.
Iowa City Room
2:00-3:30 pm Contributed and Invited Sessions II
B Does Your Bumper Sticker Read Change Happens!
Nancy Noyer, University of Iowa
Whether we have initiated a change or it is imposed, there are natural responses going on inside us. Knowing what responses may be occurring within yourself and others will guide you to make the most of change. Let's learn together to be effective during change and to Stay Off the GRASS (Guilt, Resentment, Anxiety, Self-absorption, and Stress).
Rosewood Room
H Meet the Millennials: IM me L8R!
Robin Sandberg & Melissa Barber, University of Northern Iowa
We know them; we love them; we just can't understand them. From compound sentences to IM lingo, which generation of English are you speaking? This session will hit the highs and lows of interacting with today's students, along with ways to clarify expectations and intergenerational tips. Plan to leave this session ROTFLOL (rolling on the floor laughing out loud.)
Cedar Rapids Room
L Governing Boards: The Fine Line
Gary Steinke, Board of Regents, State of Iowa
This session will focus on the dynamics of serving a governance board at various levels and the challenges and the responsibility of providing information that will be used to make important decisions that have the potential of affecting tuition, university operations, public opinion, and broad public policy.
Iowa City Room
I University and Community: Capitalizing on Our Interdependence
Patricia Enos, Michigan State University
Post-secondary institutions have always recognized the symbiosis between town and gown as our students traverse between their living and learning worlds. This interactive session will explore ways we can partner with the local community (and they with us) to create a more vibrant, connected, congenial and effective overall community.
Waterloo Room
3:45-5:15 pm Contributed and Invited Sessions III
B Working Amidst Chaos: Basics of Time Management and Organization
Susan R. Johnson, University of Iowa
In this session, the nuts and bolts of practical approaches to scheduling, cleaning up your work space, making lists that actually work, and getting things done will be presented.
Rosewood Room
H You, Me and Diversity
Janette Thomas, Eastern Iowa Community College
The rapidly changing Iowa demographics are presenting both challenges and opportunities for higher education. This interactive session will focus on why diversity is a compelling interest for higher education. You will also explore leadership needed to advance educational benefits that emanate from diversity - a reality of various cultural experiences, identities, and viewpoints.
Cedar Rapids Room
L Tips To Improving Your Media Presence
Karris Golden, Wartburg College
This session will offer help with developing and executing a media relations plan for your organization. Information includes a brief overview of writing and distributing effective news releases, media interviews, and helpful resources.
Iowa City Room
I Accreditation Trends
Linda Allen, Hawkeye Community College
This session will explore current accreditation trends for higher education and their impact on strategic goals and planning.
Waterloo Room
The following scholarships and awards will be presented at The Way Up Conference. Click the links for more details about each recognition: